
Antsy McClain

Humor with Heart

About Antsy

Antsy McClain is a hilarious and insightful performer. With his band, the Trailer Park Troubadours, he combines laughter and heartfelt themes of love, family, and friendship. Antsy aims to touch every emotion through his music, providing humor that moves you without sentimentality. His fans, known as Flamingoheads, consider themselves part of his extended family. Antsy draws inspiration from his upbringing in trailer parks, showcasing life’s unique and endearing aspects. His music emphasizes the importance of cherishing loved ones and living in the present moment.

Antsy’s upcoming album, “The Indelible Man,” set to release in the Summer of 2023, explores various emotions. One of his new songs, “Cover Up Lover,” tells the story of a man and his tattooed partner, highlighting superficiality and deep love. Antsy’s talent as a songwriter and performer has earned him recognition as one of America’s most entertaining storytellers. Antsy also is a gifted graphic designer and illustrator. He cherishes the support and encouragement of loved ones, shaping his journey as an entertainer. Antsy considers himself fortunate and passionately embraces his unique path.

Visit the to learn more than you ever cared to know about Antsy McClain and his musical cohorts, The Trailer Park Troubadours.

Videos of Antsy McClain for your viewing pleasure

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